OLGA. You are radiant today and lookinglovelier than usual. And Masha is lovely too.Andrey would be nice-looking, but he has grown toofat and that does not suit him. And I've grownolder and ever so much thinner. I suppose it'sbecause I get so cross with the girls at school.Today now I am free, I'm at home, and my headdoesn't ache, and I feel younger than yesterday.I'm only twenty-eight. . . . It's all quiteright, it's all from God, but it seems to me thatif I were married and sitting at home all day, itwould be better [a pause]. I would love myhusband.
OLGA. My head aches, oh, how my head aches. .. . Andrey has lost at cards. . . . The wholetown is talking about it. . . . I'll go andlie down [is going]. Tomorrow I'll befree. . . . Oh, God, how nice that is!Tomorrow I'm free, and the day after I'm free. .. . My head does ache, oh, my head . . .[goes out].IRINA [alone]. They've all gone away.There's no one left.
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ANDREY. I'll say what I have to say and thengo. Directly. . . . First, you have somethingagainst Natasha, my wife, and I've noticed thatfrom the very day of my marriage. Natasha is asplendid woman, conscientious, straightforward andhonourable -- that's my opinion! I love andrespect my wife, do you understand? I respecther, and I insist on other people respecting hertoo. I repeat, she is a conscientious, honourablewoman, and all your disagreements are simplycaprice. . . [a pause]. Secondly, youseem to be cross with me for not being aprofessor, not working at something scholarly.But I'm in the service of the Zemstvo, I'm amember of the District Council, and I considerthis service just as sacred and elevated as theservice of learning. I'm a member of the DistrictCouncil and I'm proud of it, if you care to know .. . [a pause]. Thirdly . . . there'ssomething else I have to say. . . . I'vemortgaged the house without asking yourpermission. . . . For that I am to blame, yes,and I ask your pardon for it. I was driven to itby my debts . . . thirty-five thousand. . .. I'm not gambling now -- I gave up cards longago; but the chief thing I can say in self-defenceis that you girls -- you get a pension . . .while I don't get . . . my wages, so to speak .. . [a pause].
ANFISA [gives money to the musicians].Go away, and God bless you, my dear souls![The musicians bow and go away.] Poorthings. They must be hungry. Why else would theydo it? [To IRINA] Good morning, Irisha![Kisses her.] Well, my little girl, I'mhaving a time of it! Living in the high-school,in a government apartment, with dear Olyushka --that's what the Lord has granted to me in my oldage! I've never lived so well in my life, sinfulwoman that I am. . . . It's a big flat, and Ihave a room to myself and my own bed. All at thegovernment expense. I wake up in the night and, OLord, Mother of God, there's no one in the worldhappier than me! 2ff7e9595c