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Esta licencia se usa comúnmente para videojuegos y permite a los usuarios descargar y jugar gratis. Básicamente, un producto se ofrece Free to Play (Freemium) y el usuario puede decidir si quiere pagar el dinero (Premium) por características adicionales, servicios, bienes virtuales o físicos que amplían la funcionalidad del juego. En algunos casos, se pueden mostrar anuncios a los usuarios.
A new pKa prediction web server is released, which implements DelPhi Gaussian dielectric function to calculate electrostatic potentials generated by charges of biomolecules. Topology parameters are extended to include atomic information of nucleotides of RNA and DNA, which extends the capability of pKa calculations beyond proteins. The web server allows the end-user to protonate the biomolecule at particular pH based on calculated pKa values and provides the downloadable file in PQR format. Several tests are performed to benchmark the accuracy and speed of the protocol. The web server follows a client-server architecture built on PHP and HTML and utilizes DelPhiPKa program. The computation is performed on the Palmetto supercomputer cluster and results/download links are given back to the end-user via http protocol. The web server takes advantage of MPI parallel implementation in DelPhiPKa and can run a single job on up to 24 CPUs. The DelPhiPKa web server is available at _webserver. The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com.
Here we report a web server, the DelPhi web server, which utilizes DelPhi program to calculate electrostatic energies and the corresponding electrostatic potential and ionic distributions, and dielectric map. The server provides extra services to fix structural defects, as missing atoms in the structural file and allows for generation of missing hydrogen atoms. The hydrogen placement and the corresponding DelPhi calculations can be done with user selected force field parameters being either Charmm22, Amber98 or OPLS. Upon completion of the calculations, the user is given option to download fixed and protonated structural file, together with the parameter and Delphi output files for further analysis. Utilizing Jmol viewer, the user can see the corresponding structural file, to manipulate it and to change the presentation. In addition, if the potential map is requested to be calculated, the potential can be mapped onto the molecule surface. The DelPhi web server is available from _webserver. PMID:24683424